Friday, August 13, 2010

Devotional - Friday, August 13th

Psalm 28

The Lord our God is our rock and our foundation. We must trust in him during our times of struggle. Our faith in him always being there and never turning away from us gives us the strength to go through the struggles we all face in our lives. I need to always remember not to stop relying on him to help me accomplish my goals. He has a plan for me and a path for me to follow, and as long as I stay true to him and his ways I can accomplish anything. During this trip to Kenya I believe God will show me much about his ways and how he wants me to take part in his kingdom. Through relying on him, the journey he has set a head of me although challenging, can be accomplish. With him at my side anything is possible and it is through that strength that I step out of the world I know so well and travel to a land I do not.

Dear Lord give us strength to accomplish what you have set in front of us. We know that you challenge us to help us grow and for that we thank you. You have never let us down Lord and today we pray that you give us the strength to not let you down. Be with us this day Lord and give us the strength we require. You are our one true God Lord and we can do anything through you.


Stewart Littel

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