Friday, August 15, 2008


The Ki-Swahilli service was actually a little mild compared to what we were expecting. The girl’s school that normally attends ABC church was not there that day and this had the effect of calming the dancing a little. The choir was still an amazing experience and they sang and danced with great emotion. It was nice that they had actions to a lot of the things they were saying somehow this gave more meaning to their words. The church took great care to have interpreters sitting with us during the service and also to interpret the sermon from the pulpit which was done by Sam Mutisia. Sam is a really wonderful person whom a lot of us have a growing respect for. His work with the Sharing Way is leading the charge on a number of issues in Kenya.

After church we went to a restaurant for lunch and all of us seemed to enjoy eating some new fare or some more familiar 'western' food. The afternoon was spent relaxing and napping. A number of couples took the opportunity to reconnect with each other which was refreshing. Living in a dorm style doesn't allow a lot of opportunity for the normal connection we are used to in Calgary. This makes Sunday afternoon all the more valuable.

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