Friday, August 15, 2008


We were in Mitaboni again today to build and it was hot. Again we danced, sang, threw cement, chucked dirt and dug rocks but somehow it was more tiring today. Some of us walked from the work site to the Mitaboni church for lunch and that was most definitely the highlight of my day. It was great to feel like you were really here amongst the people doing what they do, walking! We also got to walk back and again it was really relaxing and exciting all at the same time.

The kids here are soooooo filled with joy. Their smiles are the epitome of infectious and you can't help but laugh with them. When they see us drive or walk by they immediately stop what they're doing and wave. They smile a huge smile and flash their white teeth and often follow us down the road great distances. It makes us feel so welcome and excited no matter how tired or sore we were five minutes ago.

Tomorrow we go to a Ki-Swahilli service that should challenge our abilities to keep a beat in a whole new way. So exciting!


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