Friday, August 15, 2008

Went to school

On Monday we worked for about two hours in our continued digging efforts and then left the work site for the college at the ABC Mitaboni complex. We then had tea with the principle (Edward) and a number of pastors and lay people from around the country. They were all taking a leadership course while the students are on vacation. Edward explained to us what they currently do at the theological college and the challenges they are facing in moving towards supporting more secular courses and diplomas. Their greatest need at the moment is for transportation of the teaching students to and from their practicum’s. He then took us on a tour of the campus and the dorms. I think the tour made all of us appreciate even more the luxuries that we have at home as well as the space. I didn't think it was possible to pack people in more than we do in University dorms but I was VERY mistaken!

It was also interesting to note the differences in how they would solve the short comings versus how we would solve them. It was a struggle for a number of us to understand their options or to suggest other options. We all needed a lot of time to digest the differences and I'm sure we will continue to watch this project with anticipation.


1 comment:

A girl on a journey said...

It is so special to hear about your trip to Mitaboni and all the work that has been done there. It brought a smile to my heart.