Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Rabid Wasp, Or was that the rabid wife?

You wouldn't believe what happened last night (our first night in Kenya). I was brushing my teeth getting ready for bed, when I heard this BIG buzzing sound. I looked around , even checking my hair, for a buzzing bug. Sure enough I spotted a HUGE WASP. It was at least the size of 2 or 3 wasps put together. I ran out of the bathroom, with my mouth full of toothpaste. I shut the bathroom door, hoping to trap the wasp in the bathroom. When I looked at the top of the bathroom door, there was a gap a foot high, the entire width of the door. Good trap that would be. Since that wouldn't hold the wasp too long, I went to tell my husband that there was a BIG WASP in our bathroom. With toothpaste still in my mouth, I tried to tell him that there was a BIG WASP. He had already taken out his hearing aids, so without even looking at me told me he couldn't hear me and to talk louder. Again I tried to tell him, in a louder voice, that there was a BIG WASP. Finally I got him to look at me and while foaming at my mouth, signed BIG and shouted WASP. I think he was as afraid of the rabid wasp as I was, or was that the rabid wife? 

Then my DARLING husband (this is now being written by the husband) realized that something was not right.  The wasp was hovering by the opening above the door but my husband could not hear it with his hearing aids out.  He opened the door and the wasp came out and hovered by the floor.  It was now clear to him that there was a BIG WASP in the room.  Rather quickly, he retreated (or as the wife says, he ran AWAY) to the other end of the room.  Thinking it would attracted to the light, my husband figured we should turn the lights off and open the outside door.  The wasp had moved back into the bathroom so it wasn't a problem to get to all of the light switches and turn them off.  We opened the front door, turned off the lights and stepped back.  In what was a few seconds, but felt like much longer, the wasp realized it could be free of these people.  It went directly out the front door and was gone.  Didn't take long for the front door to slam shut and peace and order was restored (again, the husband is writing this now).

1 comment:

Laura said...

I had to wipe my eyes as I was laughing so hard. Glad to hear you are safe from the rabid wasp, or should I say the rabid wife?

I hope the team continues to stay healthy and safe. You are continually in our prayers and thoughts. Love you all.